Does gold jewelry influence our health? Gold jewelry was and is a status symbol, a way of expression on an aesthetic level.
Gold jewelry was and is a status symbol, a way of expression on an aesthetic level.
Always appreciated, can gold jewelry be more than luxury accessories?
Besides the aesthetic side, wearing gold jewelry is said to bring wonderful benefits?
Charms and Charms gold jewelry is endowed with beneficial energies that help us energetically and can have a positive effect on health. Since ancient times, this metal, gold, has been believed to possess the qualities of beneficial energies, being indeed worthy of being considered the metal of the gods.
At the same time, an important element regarding the healing property is the specific color of gold. If we think about the shades of intense gold with reflections, which create the sensation of warm light, we feel that they are a delight that relaxes the mind and body.
Based on appearance and quality, Charms and Charms jewelry can be considered endowed with beneficial energies due to gold, which helps us energetically and can have a positive effect on health.